About Us
Community Lenders measures its success by how we have touched communities and the lives of the people who live and work there.
We are proud of the more than $93 million in loans we have offered since 1999, pleased to have assisted more than 70 agencies, and honored to have provided housing for hundreds of low to moderate income individuals, but above all, we are moved by the number of lives we have impacted through these projects.

Community Lenders is a nonprofit, multi-bank community development corporation committed to partnering with public and private organizations. Because of our partnership with many banks, we are able to provide financing traditional banks cannot.
Our goal is to bring energy, security and opportunities to communities through housing and commercial development projects that benefit low and moderate income persons in Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton and Philadelphia counties, with specific emphasis on those communities where our member banks are located.
The mission of Community Lenders is to provide long-term financing to organizations committed to improving their communities. Our member banks, by pooling loan money, share the lending risk and contribute to stronger communities.
View more information about our Officers and Representatives here.