700 Somerset Partners

Oren Brothers Real Estate, a private, family-owned, builder and manager of award-winning multi-family communities in the Philadelphia region, partnered with Veterans Multi-Service Center, Inc., a non-profit corporation for this project.  Veterans Multi-Service Center Inc.’s mission is to provide outreach, counseling, employability assessment, job training and placement, permanent housing, transitional living and supportive services to veterans in the metropolitan Philadelphia area.  Both companies co-developed and adapted the former Thomas A. Edison High School, converted into 66 units, one-bedroom and efficiency units of affordable housing with a preference for veterans.   Veterans Multi-Services Center has an office on the first floor of the building.  The majority of this project was funded through low income housing tax credits and Community Lenders provided the long-term permanent mortgage on the project.

The building is called Edison 64 Veterans Community located at 700 West Somerset Street, Philadelphia, PA .  The name of the project is in honor of the 64 former students of Edison High School who died in the Vietnam War.